Wednesday, June 26, 2013

When You Look To The Future All Roads Lead To Success....

       Have you ever had that perfect moment, you dreamed of it, you looked at the ways for it to happen and mendaciously it did!! How great is it when you dream of something and saw it and then there it was in the present! When we stop and take a look at what’s going on in the present we need raise our heads and contemplate what lies ahead in the future. Being a forward thinker is not the same as meeting the requirements of the day’s duties.  We need to plan for the future.  We need to be looking for new opportunities to grow and expand.  They need to be anticipating what is coming over the next horizon.  We are the Managers of the future.  Take a moment to stop, look and listen to the here and now and then use this to look over the horizon for what is ahead. Knowledge is power and understanding what is going on around you, read, think about and talk about the long term view.  

     Dan Schwab once said “One of the greatest gifts you can give others is the understanding that they can think bigger things than they believe they can.  It’s contagious.  What limits vision in an organization is nobody being will to speak up for one.  But once you do, there is a sort of avalanche or landslide factor; it just keeps rolling.” Visions are the future but can become reality over the span of time.  It may take a year, three years or five years but if you believe in the vision it will become now.  How proficient you are at you’re doing something depends on how much time you spend on it and this is true of envisioning the future the more time you spend on envisioning the better you will get. Improvement of the present comes from a vision of the future.

     Steve Jobs and Bill Gates saw the future of the computer.  Their forward thinking created the technology that you are reading this information on today.   What you envision for the future is a reflection of expressing your passion.  It’s about what gets you up in the morning and what you dream about at night.  When you reflect on the past…. are present in the future…. and envision the future you are on the path to finding your passion for life. 

     We all have concerns, desire, questions, propositions, arguments, hopes and dreams that can help us organize and aspire to our dreams.   Your personal passion can guide you towards your vision for the future.  So gaze up and take a look to the future to make a better present for yourself, your family, your organization, your community…..

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