Thursday, June 6, 2013

Kohlberg theory of moral development

Kohlberg theory of moral development interesting in the fact that this is in line with many developmental theorist in Physiological studies.  The six stages of moral development hold an interesting concept of the progression of morality from childhood to adulthood.  I would agree with the theory in describing the progression as selective.  The fact that not everyone reaches all six stages of moral development also correlates with transitional and spiritual leadership.  “Kohlberg developed a six stage theory of moral development, and he grouped these six stages into three, higher-order levels of development: 1) the Pre-Conventional Level, 2) the Conventional Level, and 3) the Post-Conventional or Principled Level. Each level is then further sub-divided into two stages to make a total of six stages.” A. Oswalt (1995) These leaders that lead with this type of leadership must have a high level of moral understanding.  Kohlberg’s theory has some of the same baseline theories as developmental theorist such as Maslow and his hierarchy of needs.   “Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development are based on Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs in his Theory of Human Motivation. As a child grows up, her motivations change from physical (most basic) needs to communal needs and finally to spiritual (highest) needs. Likewise, her moral reasoning changes from pre-conventional to conventional to post conventional.”  Maslow And Kohlberg. (2001)


Angela Oswalt (1995) Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development

Maslow And Kohlberg. (2001, December 01). In Retrieved 17:25, June 06, 2013, from

1 comment:

  1. Stage six is inaccurate and contains a rather dangerous assumption. Clearly this was written to encourage that stage four mindset (and likely was written by a member thereof, otherwise this wouldn't be an issue) and this wouldn't mean a thing to me if it didn't come up in image searches and thuis affect people who are just learning about this. It seems sinister, not going to lie.
