Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Do you Really Want To Say That?... Constructive Criticism

      What is Constructive criticism?  The dictionary defines constructive criticism as promoting improvement or development.  The question is do we do this with improvement and development in mind? 

     Feedback or constructive criticism is important to an individual’s growth and development.  Feedback is good, it’s just about how it is given that can make the difference between whether it is constructive or not.  Does it help the person with improvement and development?  We need to be aware that these are people with feeling.  Treating people with disrespect is just that nothing else. In reality criticism is just an opinion and should be thought of as that by the giver and the receiver.  That being said what is the best way to give constructive criticism? 

1. Think before you give it … Make sure you know what you are going to say and why. Is it truly constructive? Does it add value and give help for improvement?

2. Think about where you are saying it… Don’t embarrass people or call them out.  This is not constructive and will only cause problems in the relationship between you both.

3. Be Open Minded… Just because you think you have the right answer does not mean it is.  Be open to conversation

4. Focus on the positive first…. Nothing goes well when you lead with a negative thought.  Lead with a positive thought first, value the person

5.  Provide clear guidelines for the criticism… Give a clear definition of what it is you are criticizing and then give what you think would improve this.  Be gentle. Never just give your negative opinion

6. Focus on the positive again… Bring it back to the positive so that the message is received but you leave it with a positive note. 

     Giving feedback and criticism is not a bad thing.  How you do this to create constructive criticism is the important part to remember.  The 80/20 rule is a good rule to follow when giving any negative feedback.  80 percent positive and 20 percent negative is a good rule of thumb.  Devaluing and demoralizing has nothing to do with constructive criticism.  Leading with the positive, giving solutions, listening and closing with a positive is the key to successful conveying a message of criticism.

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