Sunday, July 7, 2013

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Friday, July 5, 2013

Metrics Are Like Life... It's How You Look At The Data

Working for many years in business I had the opportunity to create many reports and metrics.  The key to these metrics was to communicate a message about the state of the project, the company etc.  The thing that I realized is that metrics are all about the focus.  What data are you focusing on and this will determine the outcome of this metric.  If you want it to have a positive reflection of the data you focus on the positive or if you want to show the negative this is what you focus on.
When looking at this I realize that life is the same way.  It is truly what we focus on in life and business.  Many people look at all of the negatives things coming at them and this increases.  This is not because there are necessarily more negative things but because this is where their focus lies.  If your focus is on to many meetings and the traffic was horrible today then that is what you will see. 
The same goes for the people that focus on the positive aspects of their day.  The positive is what they are focused on and this is what happens in their life.  The key to being satisfied with where you are is to focus on the positive.  I would say that anything can be turned into a positive experience just by focusing on the “data”.  It is a simple thing to do when you are in a situation that you perceive as negative take a few steps back and see where this might turn into a positive experience. 
This brings to mind a couple that I saw that had lost everything in hurricane Sandy.  You would think that they would be unhappy and devastated through the terrible tragedy that had hit them.  This was anything from the truth the event to them had brought them closer together and bonded them as a couple.  So it really is how you look at the “data” that can make a difference in how you see the world.  The funny part is once you start looking at the positive, things do get better and life just happens and through it all you are happy.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

It Takes An Village... Thoughts About Five Minds For The Future

It takes all different types of people to create a strong team, a strong organization. A strong country, a strong world community.   We have all seen the person that can take a concept and understand it and then explain it in simple terms.  The person who can take an idea and create something different and innovative. The person that is “book smart” and has the knowledge and expertise in a field of study.  This is the concept that Howard Gardner has expanded on in his research and book Five Minds for the future.  He reviews the concept that organizations of the future must have all five of these types of minds to be successful and compete.  The Five Minds are Disciplined, Synthesized, Creating, Respectful and Ethical.  

The Disciplined Mind – This mind has mastered at least one cognitive scholarly discipline, craft or profession.  This is experience that usually takes at least 10 years of mastery.  This is progressive and is the advancement of skills and understanding in their chosen field of study.  This mind is usually obtained through formal study and education.  Without at least one discipline under ones belt, the individual is destine to march to someone else’s drummer.  Examples of disciplined minds are engineers, doctors, lawyers etc…

The Synthesized Mind - This mind takes information from different sources, understanding and evaluates the information putting it into easy to understand information for both the person and for other. This is an important part of our world today.  With information coming in such large quantities on the internet people that can grasp that information and create understanding for others and themselves can help to education and inform. Examples of these people are Teacher, Writers etc…

The Creating Mind – This mind breaks new ground.  They put forth new ideas, pose questions, have a fresh way of looking at things and arrive at unexpected conclusions. The creating mind is one step ahead of the thoughts of the day. Examples of these people are Artists, Inventors, and Researchers etc…

The Respectful Mind – This mind is a light in this global world.  They welcome differences and individualism.  They try to understand and seek to work effectively with others.  This mind creates the unity in a diverse world and binds everyone together through understanding and acceptance.  Examples of these people are Diplomats, Philanthropists etc….

The Ethical Mind – This mind ponders the nature of the work and the needs and desires of others in society.  This mind is conceptual in looking beyond self-interest and how citizens can work unselfishly to improve life for everyone.  This mind works for the good of all and is not guided by ego.  Examples of this are Activists, Human Services etc….

The minds are not singular to one person and several minds can be a part of the composition of a person but a balanced organization will encompass all of these minds to be competitive in today’s marketplace.   Learning these traits can come in many ways including formal education, mentoring, self-exploration and growth. The concept is a broader sense of intelligence then original thought of and spans the spectrum of human intelligence and interaction. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

4th Of July... My Favorite Holiday

My memories of the fourth of July are fond memories.  Of all the holidays the 4th of July is my favorite.  As a kid I remember driving to an open field on the outskirts of town with my parents. 

 The summer air was crisp and fresh and the smell of fresh cut grass was in the air.  My Mom’s coleslaw and potato salad being dished out on paper plates and taking double helping of both… the taste of sweet watermelon and the delicious feeling of summer all around.  

But my favorite part of the whole evening was the fireworks.  I remember lying on the blanket and looking up into the starry summer sky waiting for the big show.  I couldn’t control my excitement looking up in anticipation for the first bang and sparkle shimmering down to the ground.  And then it happened...  boom, bang lights flashing and a wonderful display of reds, blues purples and pinks.  My eyes darting in every direction drinking up the excitement and wonder of the night display.  I would say that over the years not much has changed other than the location. 

Every 4th of July I become a kid again full of wonder and amazing looking up into the night sky and drinking in the wonder of the show.  Checking the schedule and making sure that we get there early to get the best seat.  Sitting back and looking and waiting in anticipation of that first spark of light. Boom bang owww and ahhh… 
Looking at this it makes me contemplate and think about my life.  Life can be the 4thof July every day.  If we stop, step back and look at the wonders around us in our daily life we can create that joy every day.  It may not be the grand boom and spectacular lights but a hug from a loved one or smile from a stranger can create this happiness.  Being grateful and seeing the beauty in life everyday can create a joy that is spectacular.  So my 4th of July challenge to you is to step and to take look around you.  Find the things in your life that are truly wonderful and give gratitude for them.  It is a wonderful feeling to connect to the world and be happy for the little things.  Sometimes there are fireworks all around us and all we need to do is look up to see them.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Do you Really Want To Say That?... Constructive Criticism

      What is Constructive criticism?  The dictionary defines constructive criticism as promoting improvement or development.  The question is do we do this with improvement and development in mind? 

     Feedback or constructive criticism is important to an individual’s growth and development.  Feedback is good, it’s just about how it is given that can make the difference between whether it is constructive or not.  Does it help the person with improvement and development?  We need to be aware that these are people with feeling.  Treating people with disrespect is just that nothing else. In reality criticism is just an opinion and should be thought of as that by the giver and the receiver.  That being said what is the best way to give constructive criticism? 

1. Think before you give it … Make sure you know what you are going to say and why. Is it truly constructive? Does it add value and give help for improvement?

2. Think about where you are saying it… Don’t embarrass people or call them out.  This is not constructive and will only cause problems in the relationship between you both.

3. Be Open Minded… Just because you think you have the right answer does not mean it is.  Be open to conversation

4. Focus on the positive first…. Nothing goes well when you lead with a negative thought.  Lead with a positive thought first, value the person

5.  Provide clear guidelines for the criticism… Give a clear definition of what it is you are criticizing and then give what you think would improve this.  Be gentle. Never just give your negative opinion

6. Focus on the positive again… Bring it back to the positive so that the message is received but you leave it with a positive note. 

     Giving feedback and criticism is not a bad thing.  How you do this to create constructive criticism is the important part to remember.  The 80/20 rule is a good rule to follow when giving any negative feedback.  80 percent positive and 20 percent negative is a good rule of thumb.  Devaluing and demoralizing has nothing to do with constructive criticism.  Leading with the positive, giving solutions, listening and closing with a positive is the key to successful conveying a message of criticism.